Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back-to-School: Goal Setting Time

For those of you with younger children, your back-to-school experience will no doubt include a parent-teacher conference and a chance to set some goals for your child this year. However, many middle and high schools forego this process. After all, the kids rotate from classroom to classroom and work with several different teachers. You can't have a conference with each one.

In lieu of the parent-teacher conference, you should sit down with your student and come up with your own set of goals. These should include expectations regarding study time, recreation time, and after-school activities. What kind of grades should he strive for, what social and behavioral goals should he have? Make the goals realistic and agree upon rewards for achieving those goals. Write up a contract with your child and check it throughout the year to see how he's doing.

This is a great tool for keeping your child on track and helping him to succeed in school.

1 comment:

Dorit Sasson said...

Hey Theresa,

A contract is an excellent idea - the earlier the better. It really keeps students on track. If parents started using it earlier, it wouldn't be such a foreign concept when teachers start introducing it with their students.

I've used contracts with students and a few of my students enjoyed a limited number of successes from it. It's isn't for every student however; that's for sure.

The New Teacher Resource Center
"Take Charge in the Classroom"